1. General information

1.1. Pure Oils online store, operating under the address of www.pure-oils.co.uk is run by Natural Stuff Limited with the seat in 5 Austin Way, Daventry, NN11 8QY, United Kingdom, entered into the Register run by Companies House under the number of 09368893 (hereinafter referred to as “Natural Stuff Limited”).
1.2. Natural Stuff Limited is an independent commercial company offering products of brands /companies delivered directly by them or their official distributors.
1.3. Natural Stuff Limited is in the possession of all necessary rights to present brands of individual manufacturers on the website of www.pure-oils.co.uk.
1.4. The management of the English warehouse and logistics is ensured at the address of: 5 Austin Way, Daventry, NN11 8QY

2. Definitions
2.1. Natural Stuff Service – the online transactions service available at the address of www.pure-oils.co.uk, within the scope of which sales campaigns are organized during which Customers are offered Products.
2.2. Product – the item or items being the subject of the sales campaign conducted in line with these Regulations. Products offered by Natural Stuff Limited come directly from Manufacturers and they are original and branded products.
2.3. Customer – the consumer who has concluded a contract with Natural Stuff Limited for the provision of the access to the Service of Natural Stuff Limited, who has registered himself or herself properly in the Service of Natural Stuff Limited.
2.4. Account – a computerized record kept by NATURAL Stuff Limited, where after a correct Registration of the Customer, his /her data are stored together with the information on his/her activities in the Service of Natural Stuff Limited. The access to the Account enables the Customer to identify himself / herself in the Service of Natural Stuff Limited and to purchase Products.
2.5. Registration - the procedure related to the registration of the Customer in the Service of Natural Stuff Limited.
2.6. Regulations – these Regulations of Natural Stuff Limited, which define rules and conditions for the operation of the Service of Natural Stuff Limited as well as rights and obligations of the parties to the concluded contract.
2.7. Campaign – the process, during which Natural Stuff Limited offers Customers defined Products, at the established price and within the established timeframes.
2.8. Discount – the discount (by percent or amount) granted to the Customer.
2.9. Basket - an information technology tool allowing the Customer to make a reservation of the Product, and subsequently to confirm the acceptance of the sales offer of the booked Product as well as to purchase it.
2.10. Order – the process as a result of which the Customer has purchased the Product in Natural Stuff Limited.
2.11. Database – the set of registered personal data of Customers, processed by Natural Stuff Limited, upon the consent and within the scope, for which Natural Stuff Limited has obtained the permission of the Customer.
2.12. Working Days – all the days of the week from Monday to Friday, with the exclusion of statutory holidays.
2.13. Lead time – time during which the store completes the order and hands it over for the dispatch with the selected by the Customer delivery form.
2.14. Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited is a dematerialized retail voucher issued for the bearer (in the form of the code), authorizing to purchase goods in Natural Stuff Limited up to the maximum amount corresponding to the nominal value of the voucher.

3. Conditions for participation
3.1. Natural Stuff Limited runs the sale of Product via the Internet. Information on Products is presented on the website of www.pure-oils.co.uk, the access to which is possible with the use of the Internet browser reading HTML format.
3.2. Customers of Natural Stuff Limited may refer to natural persons with the full capacity for legal activities, with the place of residence on the territory of the European Union, who have conducted an efficient registration in the Service of Natural Stuff Limited.
3.3. For the purpose of the Registration, the Customer shall fill in the registration form by stating his/her e-mail address. In case of the Registration related to the purchase of the Product, the Customer is additionally obliged to state his/her details necessary for the execution of the order.
3.4. Registering in the Service of Natural Stuff Limited as well as during the ordering process, the Customer shall confirm that he/she fully understands and accepts sales conditions and provisions of these Regulations.
3.5. After the Registration, a message confirming the registration and opening of the account will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the Customer together with a password necessary to log in the Service of Natural Stuff Limited. At the moment of the Registration confirmation a contract is concluded between the Customer and Natural Stuff Limited for the provision of free-of-charge access to the Service of Natural Stuff Limited.
3.6. The Account contains data of the Customer provided by him/her in the registration form. In case of any subsequent changes to any of the data provided, the Customer shall immediately update such data using an appropriate form available on the websites of Natural Stuff Limited.
3.7. The Customer may at any time terminate the contract referred to in Art. 3.5 without stating any reason. Such termination is effected by the submission of the declaration in an electronic form by sending an e-mail to the address: info@pure-olis.co.uk with “RESIGNATION” in the subject field.
3.8. The Customer may have more than one Account, use Accounts of other Customers as well as render available his/her Account to third parties. The Customer is not authorized to use the Account within the scope of an economic activity run by him or her.
3.9. The Customer shall keep the password to the Account secret and immediately inform Natural Stuff Limited in case Account access details have been intercepted by third persons. The Customer may not make available data of his /her Account to any third person.
3.10. Natural Stuff Limited enables Customers to invite third persons who are not Customers to participate in campaigns of Natural Stuff Limited. The invitation is sent after the selection of the option “Send to a friend” available on the website of Natural Stuff Limited and after entering the e-mail address of the invited person.
3.11. Natural Stuff Limited may terminate the contract concluded with the Customer for important reasons, in particular in case of gross infringement of the provisions of these Regulations or in case when the Customer undertakes activities which do not comply with the provisions of law. In such case, Natural Stuff Limited shall have the obligation to notify the Customer sending an e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the Customer, about the type of such infringement with the call to cease such activities, establishing additional deadline not shorter, however, than 3 days to cease such activities. The declaration on the termination of the contract may be submitted in case of an ineffective passing of the established 3-day deadline for ceasing such activities.

4. Ordering process
4.1. In order to purchase the Product, the Customer shall provide his or her personal data in the Service of Natural Stuff Limited.
4.2. Products offered for sale in campaigns of Natural Stuff Limited are brand new.
4.3. Offers presented on the website of Natural Stuff Limited are limited in time and quantity. Natural Stuff Limited may limit the maximum number of purchases for each Product available per one Customer in order to ensure sales conditions fair for all Customers.
4.4. The execution of orders is conducted according to the sequence of obtaining confirmed orders of those Products, until stocks covered by a given form of sales are exhausted.
4.5. The Customer, placing and confirming the order, concludes with Natural Stuff Limited a contract for the sale of ordered Products on terms and conditions specified in a given Campaign as well as these Regulations.
4.6. Within the scope of one Order, the Customer may order Products offered in various Campaigns.
4.7. After the confirmation of the order, the Customer provides details necessary to execute the delivery and to issue a proof of purchase, namely, the name, surname, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
4.8. After all necessary fields are correctly filled in; the Customer is transferred to a third stage, called the “Payment”, where the Customer defines the form of payment. The Customer may make take the following forms of payments: payment by payment card, PayPal, Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited.
4.9. After the form of payment is correctly defined, the Customer is transferred to the stage called “Summary”, where all the details of the order are presented. After the confirmation, the Customer receives a confirmation e-mail, informing the Customer that the order has been accepted by Natural Stuff Limited. After the confirmation, the order may not be combined any longer with other orders of the Customer. The order may be only cancelled at the request of the Customer. In case of ordering the Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited, the Customer also receives the confirmation of the purchase of such card by e-mail to the provided e-mail address. The obtained confirmation constitutes a proof of purchase.
4.10. Since placing at shipping, Natural Stuff Limited is obliged to inform the Customer about that fact at the provided e-mail address.
4.11. The order will be executed under the condition that the Product is available at suppliers of Natural Stuff Limited. In case the Product covered by the order is not available, the Customer shall be immediately informed about that fact.
4.12. A proof of purchase is issued for each order and it is sent to the Customer together with the Order.
4.13. The Customer may introduce changes to the order until the moment of its execution (that is, until the moment of handing over the order for the dispatch in the central warehouse). The Customer may cancel an order in whole until the moment it is handed over for the dispatch. The cancellation of the order shall contain the name and surname of the Customer, his/her address, the number of the order and the date of the order. The option of cancelling does not apply to Gift Cards.
4.14. The introduction of the above mentioned changes is possible via the Customer Service by e-mail to the address: info@pure-oils.co.uk
4.15. Natural Stuff Limited reserves itself the right to cancel orders in case when given Products are not available in the warehouse.
4.16. Within the scope of the service of Natural Stuff Limited, the Customer may acquire the discount on transactions conducted by him / her during promotional campaigns, and competitions organized by Natural Stuff Limited.
4.17. The information on the volume of the binding discount rates that the Customer may obtain in situations referred to in Art. 4.16., is available at the websites of www.pure-oils.co.uk.
4.18. Discounts accumulated on the Account of the Customer may be used exclusively for the purchase of the Product in any Campaign, in such a manner that they reduce the total amount which the Customer shall pay under the Order. The amount of the Discount may not exceed the value of the Order (excluding the delivery costs).
4.19. At no time, also after the termination of the contract, shall the Customer have any right to demand the payment of amounts stemming from discounts accumulated on the Account.
4.20. The Customer may not transfer his / her discounts to other Customers.

5. The availability of products and payments

5.1. Natural Stuff Limited will undertake every effort to enable the Customer to purchase Products, which he / she has reserved in the Basket, as quickly as possible. The order is executed if at the moment of the order placing ordered Products are available at the suppliers of Natural Stuff Limited.
5.2. In case when the Product is not available (no Product at suppliers) and consequential inability to execute the order of the Customer, Natural Stuff Limited and the Customer shall have the right to withdraw from the contract.
5.3. All the prices of goods presented on the website of the Service of Natural Stuff Limited are stated in British pounds and they include taxes as well as all fees required under binding provisions of law. The price does not include costs of transportation or delivery of the Product. The above mentioned does not apply to the Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited, which is delivered free of charge by e-mail to the provided e-mail address.
5.4. The price stated for each Product is binding for both parties since the moment the Customer places the order until the moment of the execution of the order.
5.5. Natural Stuff Limited reserves itself the right to change prices of Products in current campaigns, launch new Products and Campaigns, conduct and cancel promotional activities on the websites of the service or to introduce changes therein. The above mentioned right does not exert any influence on prices of the Products in orders placed before any change became effective.
5.6. The cost of delivery depends on the order value and the weight of the goods. Additionally, such cost depends also on the selected courier as well as the form of payment, and it is displayed in the summary of the Order.

6. Execution of the order
6.1. Estimated standard delivery time is up to 5 working days since the date of the shipping We ship our products the latest on next working day following the day of the order placing by Royal Mail or a courier - to be selected at the order placing. In most cases you will receive the delivery within 2-7 working days unless the information at a given product or other arrangements provide otherwise. The above mentioned does not refer to Gift Cards of Natural Stuff Limited, which are delivered to the provided e-mail address immediately after they are ordered and paid for.
6.2. The Product will be delivered together with a proof of purchase.
6.3. If the Customer does not obtain the delivery within 7 working days since the notification that the order was released from the central warehouse of Natural Stuff Limited, the Customer should contact Natural Stuff Limited via e-mail at the e-mail address: info@pure-oils.co.uk.
6.4. All other costs of transport, including any potential sea freight costs, if such exist, shall be covered by the Customer. In each case such costs are presented at the website of www.pure-oils.co.uk.
6.5. Natural Stuff Limited shall not bear any responsibility for any failure to deliver the Product or any delay in the delivery stemming from incorrect or imprecise address provided by the Customer.
6.6. Products are dispatched exclusively to addresses located on the territory of the European Union.
6.7. In case if the order is not delivered, Natural Stuff Limited will re-send the order or issue a refund within 14 days from the  shipping day. The funds might reach client bank account within 7 working days after issuing refund.

7. Complaints
7.1. Shall the Customer detect any manufacturing defects in the Product after he / she receives the Product, the Customer shall immediately contact the Customer Service of Natural Stuff Limited via e-mail at the e-mail address: info@pure-oils.co.uk.
7.2. The Customer shall have the right to lodge a complaint in case Natural Stuff Limited fails to execute the provisions of the contract or executes them in an improper manner, which refers in particular to:
7.2.1. – reporting a manufacturing defect in the delivered product,
7.2.2. – reporting mechanical damage to the delivered products which appeared during transport,
7.2.3. – incompliance of the Product with the Product described in the order
7.2.4. – execution of the order incompliant with these Regulations
7.3. when lodging a complaint, the Customer will be informed by the Customer Service representative about further steps to be taken with regard to the execution of the complaint procedure.
7.4. The complaint shall contain a correctly filled in return form presenting: the name and surname of the Customer, an e-mail address at which the Customer may be contacted by Natural Stuff Limited, the number of the order as well as the description of reported reservations. For further information, the Customer may contact the Customer Service of Natural Stuff Limited via telephone or via e-mail at the address: info@pure-oils.co.uk. The tools for electronic lodging of complaints is available for the registered Account of the user, in the “Your Orders” section, after the opening of the order, to which the complaint applies.
7.5. Complaints shall be investigated immediately, not later, however, than within 14 days since the date on which Natural Stuff Limited receives the consignment with the complained Product. When the complaint is recognized, the defective Product will be repaired or replaced for other, qualitatively irreproachable product, and if it is not possible any more (for instance due the fact that stocks are exhausted), Natural Stuff Limited shall reimburse the equivalence of the Product price to the Customer or it shall offer him/her other Products available in the service to select. Natural Stuff Limited guarantees the return of the amount paid, with the reservation that if the part of the price has been paid on terms of discounts accumulated by the Customer, the amount actually paid by the Customer shall be returned and the discount will be again available for the Account of the Customer.

8. Guarantee
Natural Stuff Limited sells products of the highest quality with a valid expiry date. Depending on the type of the product there are various expiry dates.

9. Right to cancel, Refund and Returns

You have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The cancellation period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us (Natural Stuff Limited, 5 Austin Way, Daventry NN11 8QY, phone number +44 33 000 10361, email: sales@pure-oils.co.uk) of your decision to cancel this contract by a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail).

You may use the attached model cancellation form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired.

Effects of cancellation:

If you cancel this contract, we will reimburse to you all payments received from you, excluding the costs of delivery. We may make a deduction from the reimbursement for loss in value of any goods supplied, if the loss is the result of unnecessary handling by you.

We will make the reimbursement without undue delay, and not later than:

  • 14 days after the day we receive back from you any goods supplied, or
  • (if earlier) 14 days after the day you provide evidence that you have returned the goods, or
  • if there were no goods supplied, 14 days after the day on which we are informed about your decision to cancel this contract. 

On the return of items, we will inspect them to ensure they are returned to us in the same condition as they were sent out and will refund the amount due within 14 working days.

We will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of the reimbursement. We may withhold reimbursement until we have received the goods back or you have supplied evidence of having sent back the goods, whichever is the earliest.

You shall send back the goods or hand them over to us without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which you communicate your cancellation from this contract to us. The deadline is met if you send back the goods before the period of 14 days has expired. You will have to bear the direct cost of returning the goods. You are only liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.

All returns and order cancellations require the original products together with its packaging to be returned to us at the expense of the consumer except the event when the customer received damaged or incorrect goods. If the customer received damaged or incorrect goods we require to send us the photo of received products to sales@pure-oils.co.uk.

Cancellation form

10. Gift cards of NATURAL STUFF LIMITED.

10.1. Gift Cards of Natural Stuff Limited are periodically available in the offer of Natural Stuff Limited and they are issued for the bearer.
10.2. The Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited may be used within the whole period of its validity, that is, within 365 days since its purchase until the payment for products available in Natural Stuff Limited. The Card enables to conduct a total or partial payment and it may be used only once in case when the total amount to be paid including shipment costs is equal to or bigger than its value.
10.3. The Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited may be used only once.
10.4. The Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited may be handed over to a person other than the person who has purchased it.
10.5 The Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited may not be used for the purchase of Gift Cards of Natural Stuff Limited.
10.6. In case of returning purchased products with regard to which the Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited served as the legal tender, the Customer shall obtain the reimbursement of funds in the form of the new Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited for the amount corresponding to the amount paid. The rules for the obtained Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited shall apply respectively.
10.7. It is not possible to credit the issued Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited.
10.8. The Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited shall become invalid after it passes its expiry date.
10.9. The Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited may not be exchanged for cash or any other legal tender, neither in part nor in whole.
10.10. The issuance of the Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited does not constitute any sales subject to tax on goods and services (VAT) in the light of binding provisions of the tax law.
10.11. The Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited does not constitute an electronic payment instrument in the light of binding provisions of law. The Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited is an electronic form of the voucher.
10.12. In case when the Gift Card of Natural Stuff Limited is lost its purchaser loses his/her right to use it as well as the right to demand its reissue.

11. Privacy policy
11.1. General rules
Natural Stuff Limited with the seat at 5 Austin Way, Daventry, NN11 8QY, United Kingdom, entered is registered at Companies House, under the number of 09368893. Natural Stuff Limited guarantees that personal data processed by www.pure-oils.co.uk website will never be abused by Natural Stuff Limited or used in any other improper manner.
• Personal data as well as contact data of the user of the website /member of the club /Customer of Natural Stuff Limited (the “user”) shall not be disclosed to any third persons, unless the above mentioned is required by the law, unless, the user gives his/her consent for his/her data to be processed (as hereinafter described).
• Personal data files processed by Natural Stuff Limited on the territory of the European Union are registered and subject to control by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (http://www.ico.gov.uk) under the registration number of ZA103734.
• Natural Stuff Limited does not send out spam or e-mail messages not ordered by users, except for important e-mail messages concerning transactions or information to which the user has given his/her consent.
• Registered users may decide, in an easy and fast manner, not to receive e-mail messages from Natural Stuff Limited by sending their request to the following e-mail address: info@pure-oils.co.uk
11.2. Privacy policy
Natural Stuff Limited respects privacy of all users. Any activity of Natural Stuff Limited in the Internet is complaint with the requirements of the competent European legislation as well as applicable regulations binding in Great Britain. The above mentioned data protection principles (“Privacy policy”) regulate issues related to disclosure of information obtained by Natural Stuff Limited and referring to users (in compliance with the above mentioned definition) visiting its websites. Natural Stuff Limited processes personal data in compliance with the Act on Personal Data Protection and General Data Protection Regulation. Data are obtained on behalf of Natural Stuff Limited, which under the Act on Personal Data Protection and General Data Protection Regulation is the administrator of such personal data.
11.3. Personal data collection and processing
All users may visit the web sites of Natural Stuff Limited without revealing any personal data (personal data refer to any information related with identification or possible to be identified natural person; the person that may be identified is the person who may be recognized, in a direct or indirect manner, in particular by reference to the identifier of a general application, or one or more specific features or factors defining his/her physical, physiological, psychological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity). However, in certain cases, the lack of providing the minimum amount of necessary data required to be introduced in given boxes and other parts of the given web site may cause that Natural Stuff Limited will not be able to present appropriate products or services to the user, including the after-sales service. If the user conducts the purchase via one of the websites of Natural Stuff Limited or he/she conducts the purchase by phone, the user enters into a contractual relationship with Natural Stuff Limited. At the moment of the transaction conclusion, the user is asked to reveal his/her personal data necessary to execute the contract. In order to respond to inquiries of the Customer, as well as for purposes related to a given order or other purposes below presented, Natural Stuff Limited may collect the following data about users: the name, surname, date of birth, sex, e-mail address, postal address, landline phone number, mobile phone number. Additionally, Natural Stuff Limited saves information related to purchases conducted by users. Voluntarily registering on web sites of Natural Stuff Limited or ordering products of Natural Stuff Limited, the user gives his/her consent for Natural Stuff Limited to process his/her personal data within the scope of the computerized system of Natural Stuff Limited, both in a manual and automatic manners, within the scope and in relation to the below specified purposes. In case the user does not give his/her consent for the above mentioned, the user has the right not to use the websites of Natural Stuff Limited and not to render available his/her personal data to Natural Stuff Limited.
Natural Stuff Limited shall have the right to process such data revealed within the period necessary to conduct a given purpose of personal data processing as well as to conduct mandatory archiving in compliance with the provisions of law, without prejudice to the obligations of Natural Stuff Limited stemming from special regulations. The consent for Natural Stuff Limited to process personal data is voluntary and the user has the tight to withdraw such consent by sending Natural Stuff Limited an e-mail to the e-mail address: info@pure-oils.co.uk. Users’ rights related to processing their personal data include, among others, the right to update data or delete them from the information system of Natural Stuff Limited, the right to save personal data processed by Natural Stuff Limited, and in case of suspicion of unauthorized processing of personal data, additionally, the right to file a petition to the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection.
Natural Stuff Limited hold customers data for 5 years from last customer's activity on www.pure-oils.co.uk website. The customer data are held by Natural Stuff Limited for customer to be able make another purchase without re-registration process. The personal data are also held for security reason and for tax purposes.
Customer or any other legal body can contact Data Protection Officer: Piotr Lunitz via his e-mail: piotr.lunitz@pure-oils.co.uk

11.4. Other methods of personal data collection
Apart from data collection via the web sites of Natural Stuff Limited, the user may be asked to provide his/her personal data by written correspondence with Natural Stuff Limited, during a telephone conversation with Natural Stuff Limited, while placing an order, registering the purchased product for the purpose of after-sales services, registration for the purpose of the participation in the web survey or participation in any business offers, web chats, etc. In such a case, the user may be separately asked to give his/her consent for Natural Stuff Limited to process his/her personal data, if such consent is required by law.
11.5. The purpose of data processing
Natural Stuff Limited processes personal data in relation to the below stated purpose:
The provision of services of Natural Stuff Limited within the scope of the operation of the web store www.pure-oils.co.uk, as well as other websites of Natural Stuff Limited includes (i) conducting necessary activities related to sales and purchase transactions or the execution of any other contract between Natural Stuff Limited and the user, including the verification of payment and the dispatch or the customer’s order, as well as (i) ensuring appropriate service to the Customer, including services related to the operation of Natural Stuff Limited, such as guarantee and after-sales services, a request for customers’ opinions on the products and services of Natural Stuff Limited, enabling the Customer to enjoy special offers or campaigns, conducting surveys referring to products, facilitating and processing of Customers’ searches and inquiries for information referring to Natural Stuff Limited as well as products and services of that company, furnishing Customers with information about current products and services of Natural Stuff Limited, enhancing products and services of Natural Stuff Limited for the Customer as well as conducting prize draws, competitions and other promotional activities.
11.6. The use and disclosure of personal data to third persons
Natural Stuff Limited company uses disclosed personal data exclusively for purposes related to its above specified activity. The personnel of Natural Stuff Limited are obliged to observe confidentiality of the information provided by users in compliance with binding legal regulations.
Personal data may be disclosed to third persons in case when Natural Stuff Limited reasonably finds it necessary in order to prevent fraud, meet binding requirements, enter into force or defend the rights of Natural Stuff Limited, or in relation to the activities of the corporation, such as a merger, purchase, sales or purchase of assets and others.
11.7. Making available personal data to other entities
Personal data may be disclosed to other entities in order to enable the execution of contracts, in which the user takes part, or for purposes specified in this document, or, in order to ensure that users have the opportunity to enjoy special offers and promotions, Natural Stuff Limited benefits from services of other subjects to perform tasks on its behalf (data administration), such as, orders processing, parcels delivering, sending mail and e-mails, sending short text messages (SMS), ensuring marketing assistance, processing credit card payments, ensuring services preventing fraud as well as rendering services to Customers. Such persons will have access to personal data necessary to conduct the said activities, however, they are not authorized to use such data for any other purposes and they shall have the obligation to process such data in compliance with binding legal regulations.
Currently, Natural Stuff Limited benefits from services of the following personal data administrators:
- PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg and  Bird & Bird GDPR Representative UK, 12 New Fetter Lane, Holburn, London EC4A 1JP
- Stripe Payments Europe, Ltd., 1 Grand Canal Street Lower, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin,
- Parcel2Go.com LTD The Cube, Coe Street, Bolton BL3 6BU,
- Royal Mail Group Limited, 185 Farringdon Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1A 1AA,
- YODEL DELIVERY NETWORK LIMITED, Atlantic Pavilion, Albert Dock, Liverpool, United Kingdom, L3 4AE,
- The Delivery Group, Unit 2 Catalina Approach, Omega South, Warrington, WA5 3UY,
- DHL International Limited: Southern Hub, Unit 1, Horton Road, Colnbrook, Berkshire, SL3 0BB,
- DHL Express (UK) Limited: Southern Hub, Unit 1, Horton Road, Colnbrook, Berkshire, SL3 0BB,
- BaseLinker, BaseLinker Sp. z o.o. Plac Solny 15 50-062 Wrocław Polska
- Hermes Parcelnet Limited, Capitol House, 1 Capitol Close, Morley, Leeds, LS27 0WH 
- Add People Limited, Mitchell Charlesworth LLP, 3rd Floor, 44 Peter Street, Manchester, United Kingdom, M2 5GP
- Omnisend, UAB, legal entity code 302530363, address Verkių g. 25C-1, LT-08223 Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania - Omnisend's Terms and Conditions
- Teresa Deli (Trading Name: Sezam); 43A, High Street, DAVENTRY, NN11 4BQ, 
United Kingdom
- Parcelhub Limited, Unit 6, Road No 2 Colwick Quays Business Park, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG4 2JY
- Trusted Shops: Following an order, the Trusted Shops Trustbadge is incorporated into this web page in order to display our Trusted Shops trustmark for buyers and the eventually collected reviews, as well as the Trusted Shops product offer.

In balancing the various interests, this serves to safeguard our legitimate prevailing interests in an optimised marketing of our offer. The trustbadge and the services advertised are an offer of Trusted Shops GmbH, Subbelrather Str. 15C, 50823 Köln.

Whenever a trustbadge is called up, the web server automatically stores a so-called server log file which contains, for example, your IP address, the date and time of retrieval, the data volume transferred and the requesting provider (access data), and documents the retrieval. This access data will not be evaluated and will be automatically overwritten seven days after your visit to the page.
Other personal information will only be transferred to Trusted Shops if you decide, after completing an order, to use Trusted Shops products or have already registered for their use. In this case, the contractual agreement between you and Trusted Shops applies.

Registering voluntarily on the website of Natural Stuff Limited or ordering products from Natural Stuff Limited, you give your consent to meet information requirements of Natural Stuff Limited in compliance with the Act on Personal Data Protection by publication of appropriate information on its website.

11.8. Automatically saved information (Non-personal data)
Certain non-personal information (the type of the search engine, the number of visits, the average time spent on the website, visited websites) is automatically saved when accessing the website of Natural Stuff Limited (as a not registered regular user). The above mentioned information is used to enhance the attractiveness, content and functionality of the website of Natural Stuff Limited. The above mentioned users’ data may be further processed by Natural Stuff Limited or disclosed to third persons, unless, the user submits a request to cease such processing (sent to the email address: info@pure-oils.co.uk)
11.9. Cookies.
The service of Natural Stuff Limited uses cookies in order to ensure a proper operation of the logged in user’s session, the shopping basket, as well as for statistical purposes, in particular in order to establish the number and type of visits at the websites of the service. No data collected in such a manner allow establishing the identity of users. This mechanism is intended exclusively to save user settings of his/her browser. Each user may refuse to give his/her consent for such saving and processing his/her data on the basis of settings of the used web browser, however, the functionality of the service will be limited then. Appropriate information may be found in the viewer user guide.
11.10. Safety
Natural Stuff Limited intends to protect and administer personal data of all the users of its websites in compliance with binding EU regulations as well as the provisions of the Act on Personal Data Protection. Natural Stuff Limited company has undertaken all the available technical, organizational and personal measures in compliance with EU directives and other legal regulations, including the Act on Personal Data Protection, applicable to data processing in order to ensure safe storing of saved personal data of its users as well as their protection against any accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, unlawful handling, unauthorized disclosure or access, as well as against all other unlawful forms of data processing.
11.11. Minors
Natural Stuff Limited strongly recommends that all parents and guardians teach their children a safe and appropriate handling of personal data in the Internet. Persons under the age of 18 should not provide their personal data to Natural Stuff Limited via its Internet websites without the consent of their parents or guardians. Never does Natural Stuff Limited intentionally collect any personal from anybody being under the age of 18, neither does it exploit such data in any manner, or transfers them to any third persons without obtaining the consent. In relation to the above mentioned, Natural Stuff Limited assumes that users of the websites of that company are 18 or above that age.
11.12. Links to other websites
This privacy policy is applicable to the main website www.pure-oils.co.uk, to www.nslimited.co.uk as well as other local websites of Natural Stuff Limited administered by Natural Stuff Limited company and/or its affiliates in the European Union, acting for and on behalf of Natural Stuff Limited. Certain links to websites on the above mentioned websites may contain links to other service providers / other units beyond Natural Stuff Limited. It is recommended that users leaving the website of Natural Stuff Limited strictly observe and familiarize themselves with rules of personal data protection for each individual website collecting personal data. Natural Stuff Limited company does not control all the information included in such links nor does it control rules of personal data protection applicable to other websites, as well as it is not responsible for any contents, goods or services offered by such websites. Visiting websites to which links are provided is subjected to terms and arrangements applicable to such websites.
11.13. A waiver of the right to information and bulletins (Information on promotions)
Users may ask for any information referring to the private policy of Natural Stuff Limited company, as well as rules and conditions by sending their messages to the below stated e-mail address: info@pure-oils.co.uk
Users who do not intend any more to receive notifications on promotions (bulletins) from Natural Stuff Limited may resign from the subscription by sending their request for resignation to the below stated e-mail address: info@pure-oils.co.uk
11.14. Notifications about amendments
Users will be informed about any and all amendments to this Privacy Policy on the main website www.pure-oils.co.uk as well as in other places that Natural Stuff Limited finds as proper for given purposes. Visiting the websites of Natural Stuff Limited or ordering products from Natural Stuff Limited company, in compliance with notifications on amendments to the Privacy Policy, the user gives his/her full consent for amendments included in the binding version of the Privacy Policy.

12. Technical breaks
12.1. Natural Stuff Limited undertakes all the efforts in order to ensure a correct and uninterrupted functioning of the service of www.pure-olis.co.uk., however, in case of complex information systems, such as those of Natural Stuff Limited, breakdowns and technical errors caused by problems with the equipment or software may appear. Natural Stuff Limited undertakes every effort to reduce negative consequences of technical problems occurring and to remove such breakdowns as soon as possible.
12.2. For the purpose of the development of the service as well as in order to minimize the risk of breakdown, it is necessary to conduct periodical technical breaks, during which appropriate changes are introduced into the information system. Natural Stuff Limited makes efforts to ensure that technical breaks are not burdensome for Customers, and for that purpose it plans such changes as far as practicable,for night hours, and informs Customers about the date and duration of the planned break at least several hours in advance.

13. Amendments to the regulations
13.1. Natural Stuff Limited reserves itself the right for amending the Regulations at any time for important reasons, in particular referring to: amendments of the provisions of law, changes within the scope of the service provision, changes in the manner of goods presentation or changes within the scope of goods assortment. Any and all amendments to the Regulations enter into force after 14 days since the new wording of the Regulations is published in the Service of Natural Stuff Limited. Orders placed before the date of the introduction of amendments to the Regulations shall be executed on the basis of regulations binding on the day of the order placing. The Customer who does not accept amendments to the Regulations may terminate the contract about which he/she shall immediately inform Natural Stuff Limited. The termination of the contract becomes effective at the moment when Natural Stuff Limited receives the declaration of the Customer, not earlier however, than on the day when the amendment enters into force. In such a case the Account is removed, and Natural Stuff Limited deletes personal data of the Customer.
13.2. Advertising campaigns started before amendments to the Regulations enter into force are run on the so far existing rules.

14. Final provisions
14.1. The sale contract concluded between the Customer and Natural Stuff Limited. Consolidating, securing, sharing and confirming of all of important provisions of the concluded contract is effected by its printing and handing over to the Customer together with the shipment of a proof of purchase.
14.2. Any and all information inserted and published on the website of Natural Stuff Limited such as descriptions of products, technical data, photos are the elements of the presentation.
14.3. Customers are forbidden to use graphic elements (including the logo of 'Natural Stuff Limited), layout of the websites of Natural Stuff Limited, graphic elements of organized campaigns, as well as industrial property rights, including registered rights of trademarks as well as protection rights relating to trademarks at Natural Stuff Limited, except for situations explicitly specified in the Regulations or upon the consent of Natural Stuff Limited.
14.4. Sales contracts are governed by the British law.
14.5. These Regulations become effective as of 16.01.2025.

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